Ordinary Things (Novel)


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From Queensland to Kinshasa, Mexico to Malaysia, Ordinary Things is a novel about driving to work and poetry, slavery and telemarketing, war, coin operated noodle bars, and crossroads.


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Reader Reactions

“ABSOLUTELY amazing book, I was gob-smacked, the Booker wouldn’t do it justice, get a copy and change yer freakin’ world.” -VM

“…what a fucking cracking piece of work…. What a strange and compelling piece of work.” -SB

“…a striking piece of experimental literary fiction…” -Anon

“Off the top of my head I can’t bring to mind a better text commentary on collective consciousness and the human condition. The structure is delicate and careful as the plum blossoms. I’ve never seen illustrations used as reference point like that.” -VM

“That was the most interesting and innovative book I’ve read in a very long time.” -VM

“I hesitate to call it a novel although Bakhtin… wouldn’t have hesitated. For him a novel is the ‘real hero of our time’.
But intriguing it is. At one level it is an easy read, pacey and breezy but like the title, behind the ordinary things there is complexity; yes complexity but not complicatedness.
Like a Persian carpet the stories weave a pattern that continues unabated. Like the little boy on the last page, it just goes on and on in circles.
I can understand why it would have been hard for you to find a main stream publisher for the book.” -SJ